450 East 6th South Rm. 6 Battle Mountain, NV 89820
(775) 635-2886 ext 1110 or (775) 340-7898
[email protected]
(775) 635-2886 ext 1110 or (775) 340-7898
[email protected]
Helping local families & schools work together for a better future!
Check out our LCSD Parent Involvement Family Engagement Policy here lcsd_pife_plan.pdf

Located on the north end of the new Lander County School District Office (formerly Mary S. Black Elementary School), the L.C.S.D. Parent Involvement & Resources Center serves to help bridge the gap between home and school. Family engagement and involvement is a very high priority in our school district & the P.I.R.C is a one stop shop for our K-12 families. We offer support, resources & volunteer opportunities in a friendly, comfortable setting. We understand the important role parents play in the educational process & encourage parents and grandparents to visit &/or volunteer in our schools whenever possible.
Our P.I.R.C volunteers work on a variety of projects for a majority of the teachers in our school district right from the comfort of the Center. Children not yet in school are welcome to accompany parents & play in our Kid's Corner which is full of toys & movies. We even have snacks! The P.I.R.C is a great place to meet other parents & grandparents, stay informed, check out resources & make a difference for not only your own child's teacher but teachers throughout our district. Everyone has something to contribute & we all have at least one common bond- our children.
Whether you want to get involved, get information or meet new friends, please stop by the P.I.R.C. We look forward to visiting with you soon!
Krissi Tucker
L.C.S.D. Parent Involvement Coordinator